Category: Life Purpose

Does “Living in the Flow” Happen for You?

At times our lives can flow and ebb with such beauty and insight and bring us a feeling of satisfaction and joy.  I call this “Living in the Flow” and I believe that happens when we are connecting with and expressing our “Life Purpose”. Craig Harper says it beautifully in his blog article “Do You …

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What Can I Learn in a Hand Reading?

The first information that comes from your hands is about your Life Path (your school), your unique Life Purpose and your personal Life Lesson.  These three things comprise your first entire hand reading with me, and can take a whole lifetime to experience and perfect! This information will resonate with who you are, it will …

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How Can We Have It All?

My hands reveal that my purpose in life is about manifesting, getting results, making things happen.  My life purpose is something I have always done, without anyone telling me how to do it.  Sometimes things manifest easily and sometimes not, but manifesting/creating results is just the way I go about living my life. Now, as …

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What Your Fingers Reveal

In the Hand Analysis method developed by Richard Unger and written about in his book “LifePrints”, he has laid out an accurate and comprehensive system for understanding ourselves.  This system, based on over 30 years of research and more than 52,000 hands read by Unger reveals how our unique and unchangeable finger prints, formed 16 …

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